Our Angel

Our Angel

Friday, October 30, 2015

Be Brave Baylee

My daughter Kate has a friend who she plays softball with at Timpview High School Baylee Brooke Hoaldridge.  Kate loves Baylee as she always has a smile and is a light to those around her. Last July Baylee was involved in an ATV accident and was burned on 65% of her body.  Today Baylee will undergo surgery to have both of her legs amputated as they are not healing as hoped.  

Please pray for Baylee as she needs our love and prayers.  

Below is the latest blog
written by her mother Nicole


I write this update with a very heavy heart. I just signed a surgical consent that no parent should ever have to sign. I signed consent to have the doctors take Baylee into surgery tomorrow to remove the infection from her back and to amputate both legs just below the knees despite the fact she is in critical condition. Baylee has to go into surgery because her white cell count jumped considerably overnight telling us that her infection is back. Her infection has now become the priority. After Baylee’s doctor talked to Neuro and convinced them of the importance of keeping her infection under control, Neuro has consented that Baylee can go to the operating room. As planned today, the doctors and nurses did not cut back on the sedation medication and bring Baylee out of her coma. Instead, the doctors want her to stay in a coma in preparation for tomorrow’s surgery. All surgery is risky but when you add the fact that Baylee’s brain is still swollen and her liver isn’t performing well, tomorrow’s surgery is extremely risky. If we don’t do surgery, Baylee will become septic and she would not be able to handle another round of sepsis.

Tomorrow’s surgery will be performed by two of the burn unit’s attending doctors. Both doctors will work together to excise the infected tissue off her back and then cover the back with fresh homo graft. They will also work together to perform the amputations. The doctors have decided to do one big surgery tomorrow so Baylee’s body only has to be shocked once instead of having to go through surgery on her back tomorrow and then back on Monday for the amputations.
Our hearts are broken… We wanted more than anything to be able to tell Baylee about her legs and why they needed to be amputated before the procedure was done but we have to do the surgery now in order to save her life. Either way, we will be here to help her get through this when she wakes up. We love her so much and there is nothing we wouldn’t do for her.
Please pray all will go well with the surgery and that Baylee will understand the decision we made to save her life.

To read more about Baylee go to...

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Graduation Day

Dear Erin,

Today is the day that three years ago you graduated from this earthly life, went to heaven to live with Jesus and earned your angel wings.  Now how do I say that I really miss you without sounding sad?  I just say it...I REALLY miss you Erin! 

So today I'm posting one of my favorite memories of Erin Hope Galbraith, my amazing daughter who taught me so much about life and loving.

One of the things I loved most about Erin was her infectious laugh!!  When she would start to giggle you couldn't help but join her. Just thinking about it puts a BIG smile on my face.
I loved the way she would get so irritated with Kate when Kate would sing and dance every time we would watch High School Musical.  It was so funny!!  

Those who know Erin know that she had attitude and would express her opinion very strongly.  Well, this situation was no different.  Eventually Erin would just join in and sing and dance with Kate.  It was beautiful!
Erin Hope Galbraith - Our Angel!!


 Please join me in adding your favorite memory of Erin!  Let's add post after post and share the love, joy, fun, challenges and laughter, everything that we remember.
With Love, Nancy

Friday, August 3, 2012

Our Journey Begins!!

During the time Erin had cancer my family's lives and hearts were touched by countless people.  How would we have ever made it without these ministering angels here on earth?  Simply said, we wouldn't have made it!  Now almost 3 years after Erin's leaving this earth life and becoming our "Angel" I have learned the best way to remember Erin is to Pay it Forward!

I am so grateful for the healing and peace I have experienced. I have felt the love of family and friends during Erin's four year battle with cancer and after her passing.  God held me and my sweet family in the palm of His hand.  Sometimes we find that we are the one in need of succor and other times we are the one giving to those in need.  

I'm so grateful for this chance to start the Erin Hope Foundation in loving memory of Erin.  I'm thrilled to see where this journey takes us.

I have one request...to start this journey off right.  Will each of you who have a memory of our sweet Erin please post it here.  This will also be a place where she will be forever remembered.

So to you Erin Hope, my daughter, my eternal friend and "My Angel" I dedicate this work of helping God's children and changing the world one life at a time.  May you be my guiding angel in this work!